星期四, 12月 29, 2005

Inverse yield curve

Yields on Bonds Invert, ReflectingUnease About Economy's Future

December 28, 2005

The nation's bond market interrupted the holiday season with a downbeat message yesterday: Many investors expect the economy to hit tougher times within the next year or so.
That pronouncement came in the form of long-term interest rates dropping below short-term rates, a trend that often -- but not always -- precedes an economic downturn. The development is known as an inversion, because it flips the traditionally upward-sloping shape of bond yields plotted on a graph. The yield curve typically rises because longer-term debt usually pays higher interest rates to compensate investors for the greater risk they incur waiting for repayment.
Inversions can squeeze or even eliminate profit margins for banks, hedge funds and any other financial business that borrows money at short-term rates and lends it at long-term rates. "This is a warning signal...that we are on recession watch now," says Paul Kasriel, chief economist at Northern Trust Co. in Chicago. The inversion, however, so far is minor, he says. And some economists believe an inversion isn't as reliable a predictor as it once was.

In late New York trading, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note, which reflects investors' long-term view of the economy and is a key benchmark for mortgage loans, had dropped just slightly below the yield on the two-year note, which tracks expectations for the Federal Reserve's monetary policy in the nearer term. The 10-year note's price was up ¼ point, or $2.50 for each $1,000 in face value, to yield 4.343%. The two-year note was up 1/32 point to yield 4.347%, and the 30-year bond was up 21/32 to yield 4.508%.
The bond market's gloom may seem incongruous, given that inflation remains under control and the economy grew at an annual rate of 4.1% in the third quarter, marking the eighth straight quarter of one of the most stable stretches of growth on record. Analysts cautioned against reading too much into the timing of the inversion, which came amid a dearth of economic or other market-moving news and amid thin holiday dealings. Still, it was the first inversion in five years, and many see it as a signal of bigger, sustained moves to come. It was also cited as a factor behind a weaker stock market yesterday. (See related article.)
"The big question is how dramatic [the inversion] becomes," says Thomas Girard, co-head of fixed income at Weiss Peck & Greer Investments in New York.
Bonds make fixed interest and principal payments to investors, but their yield depends on what the market is willing to pay for the bonds on any given day. In deciding what yield -- or return -- to demand on bonds, investors consider various factors, including their expectations for future short-term interest rates and the bond's duration.
Investors, for example, usually demand more yield from governments and companies to tie up their money in longer-term bonds. When they are willing to accept a lower yield, that means they are persuaded that the Fed, which most expect to raise short-term rates to 4.5% or higher early next year, will soon have to bring those rates back down to mitigate, or ward off, a recession. Yield-curve inversions have preceded all of the last six recessions, but have also sounded two false alarms, the most recent in 1998.
The housing market is the most likely trigger for an economic slowdown and Fed reversal. As the Fed raises rates, monthly payments on adjustable-rate home loans go up, cooling demand for houses and leaving homeowners with less money to spend on all the other things companies want to sell them. Second, as house prices stall, homeowners aren't able to borrow as much against the value of their homes -- a source of cash that has added hundreds of billions of dollars to consumers' spending power in recent years.
"What the Fed is going to do is shut down the ATM machine known as the housing market," says Tad Rivelle, chief investment officer at Metropolitan West Asset Management in Los Angeles. Fed policy makers hold their next meeting on Jan. 31, which is expected to be the last before Chairman Alan Greenspan retires, leaving the reins to Ben Bernanke, the nominee to succeed him.
The Fed's attempts to cool the economy, however, don't always provoke a recession, and many economists, including Mr. Greenspan, suggest that the yield curve might have lost its predictive abilities. That's because foreign buying of U.S. Treasurys and the Fed's success in controlling inflation have kept long-term interest rates unusually low, so U.S. consumers and companies still have relatively cheap access to money that they can spend on buying houses and building factories.
A recent study published by the Fed estimated that in the absence of foreign buying, the difference between two-year and 10-year yields would be about 0.75 percentage point greater.
"Many factors can affect the slope of the yield curve, and these factors do not all have the same implications for future output growth," Mr. Greenspan wrote in a recent letter to Congress.
But even if it doesn't presage recession, a severe and prolonged inversion can cause a lot of pain, particularly for banks and hedge funds that make long-term investments with money borrowed at short-term rates -- the so-called carry trade. Big banks such as Citigroup Inc.'s Citibank unit and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. have already cited the flattening yield curve as a factor affecting profits, as the interest rate they must pay to attract deposits rises closer to the return they can expect on their investments. "You can't make it up on volume if you're borrowing at 4.25% and lending at 4%," Northern Trust's Mr. Kasriel says.

星期三, 12月 07, 2005





星期一, 11月 28, 2005


"white elephant" came, in English, to mean a thing which is more trouble than it is worth, or has outlived its usefulness to the person who has it.
A list of white elephants
The term was coined after New York Giants manager John McGraw told the press that Philadelphia businessman Benjamin Shibe had "bought himself a white elephant" by acquiring the Philadelphia Athletics baseball team in 1901, A's manager Connie Mack selected the elephant as the team symbol and mascot. The team is occasionally referred to as the White Elephants.

Other examples include:

WHAT is the meaning of Xbox?

WHAT is the meaning of Xbox?

Its name has horribly geeky origins: the bit of Microsoft's Windows software that does fancy graphics is called DirectX, so when the company moved into games consoles in 2001, it wanted a “DirectX box” that was optimised for graphical performance.


Fermenting trouble
Nov 24th 2005 BANGKOK
From The Economist
The unsettling effect of shelving two share offerings

DRIVING past the Stock Exchange of Thailand, you never know what you might see. A few months ago, orange-robed Buddhist monks were protesting against the planned listing of Thai Beverages, the country's biggest brewer and distiller. More recently, left-wing activists marched against the partial privatisation, through a public offering, of Egat, the state-owned electricity monopoly. Indeed, these days, demonstrators seem more interested in Thai stocks than investors are.
In 2003 Thai stocks were among the world's top performers. The main market index more than doubled, as the economy grew by 6.9% and finally shook off the torpor that had set in after the crash of 1997. Alas, Thailand has since suffered a string of misfortunes: bird flu, last year's tsunami, a prolonged drought and an intensifying insurgency in some Muslim areas. Meanwhile, dearer oil has pushed inflation up, prompting the central bank to raise interest rates repeatedly. Expensive oil imports have also weighed on the current account, and so on the baht.
In the first quarter of this year, the economy even shrank slightly. Over the whole year, it might grow by some 4%, far less than optimists had expected. In August consumer confidence hit its lowest in three years. All this gloom has affected share prices too. The market looks like ending the year where it began, 15% below the peak it reached early last year.
The protests have not helped. The listing of Thai Beverages, originally scheduled for the middle of the year, would have been the biggest-ever flotation of a private Thai firm, worth roughly 40 billion baht ($980m). But the World Health Organisation ranks Thais as the world's fourth-keenest drinkers, and temperance groups, supported by Buddhist clergy, argued that the listing would foster further boozing. The stock exchange and its regulator have not yet dared approve it.
The government's attempt to sell a stake in Egat has dragged on even longer. It first postponed the offering last year, after protests by the company's staff. As a sweetener, it raised workers' salaries and reserved shares for them, before reviving the sale earlier this year. It had planned to sell 25% of Egat this month, for 33 billion baht or so. But at the last minute, a court put the listing off again, to consider activists' charge that the decree authorising the sale violates the constitution. The government still hopes that the sale, and the rest of its privatisation programme, will go ahead—but the court has not even set a date for a ruling.
On the other hand, Thai stocks now look cheap next to other markets in the region, or at any rate cheaper than they did. The average price/earnings ratio, which topped 14 in 2003, is now around nine, and falling. If, as economists expect, the recent easing of the oil price continues next year, and interest rates also decline, the market should start to recover. And the resuscitation of the shelved listings might give traders cause to celebrate—soberly, of course.

星期五, 11月 18, 2005

Copper trader missing

Crouching trader, leaping prices

Nov 17th 2005
From The Economist

How a big bad bet is pushing up the price of copper

ALL that remains is to sell the film rights. Liu Qibing, a trader handling China's strategic commodity reserves, allegedly shorted the vast quantity of 100,000-200,000 tonnes of copper, then vanished when prices moved against him. The stuff of latter-day legend, this briefly pushed an already upwardly mobile market into near-vertical ascent.
“Shorting” a commodity involves borrowing the commodity itself and selling it to someone else with the intention of buying more later to return to the lender. A trader only does this when he believes, with some confidence, that prices will fall. Since copper has gained more than 30% this year and more than 200% since 2003, it is reasonable to think it due for a drop. Plenty of other traders and speculators have bet that way too.
But the metal is not obliging them. The three-month contract on the London Metals Exchange (LME) was already trading at record levels on November 11th, closing at $4,105 per tonne. When the tale of Mr Liu broke on November 14th, rousing expectations that China would have to buy a lot of the red stuff to meet commitments, it closed $20 per tonne higher. Copper hit a new record price of $4,174 on November 15th, and moved higher still on November 17th.
Mr Liu's copper is due for delivery to LME-approved warehouses in December. Will it be there? China claimed last week to have 1.3m tonnes of the metal stockpiled, far more than most western analysts reckon it has. This week, it held its first copper auction ever, selling 20,000 tonnes and pledging to unload more on November 23rd. And there is talk that the State Reserve Bureau, for which Mr Liu was acting, has applied to export 200,000 tonnes this year.
But this all sounds more like deliberate market-cooling before a purchase than like a surfeit of supply. Copper is scarce these days. Years of commercial underinvestment, together with work stoppages that grew more bitter as the copper price rose, have kept a lid on worldwide output. Last week Chile, the largest producer by far, lowered its output targets for 2005 and 2006.
Demand, meanwhile, was booming, until this year. And in fast-growing China, now the world's largest copper user, it is still increasing by leaps and bounds. The usual cushions of inventory and spare capacity have vanished: global stocks are depleted, as the chart shows. Mining companies should respond to this by investing in increased production. But the results will come, if at all, some years down the track.
The fall-out from Mr Liu's speculation-gone-wrong is hard to judge. If he assumed his positions last spring, as some suggest, when copper prices were below $3,300 per tonne, it is possible that the losses now amount to $200m.
But more than money may be at stake. China was expected to liberalise its derivatives markets a touch next year. After this bruising brush with those outside, it may be disinclined to do so.

central bank staff cost

星期日, 10月 23, 2005







星期六, 10月 15, 2005





根據《商業銀行房地產貸款風險管理指引》,除非開發商以權益形式提供有關房地產發展項目總投資額35% 或以上的資金,否則銀行不得向房地產開發商發放貸款。銀行必須留意住房按揭貸款借款人的還款能力,以確保借款人的每月房屋支出及每月債務還本付息總額分別不超過其每月收入的50% 及55% 。此外,根據2005 年1 月1日生效的中國最高人民法院的司法解釋,如果這些抵押品是借款人的必要住所,法院不得查封、拍賣或以其他方式變賣抵押品。





正常. . . . . . . . . 借款人能夠履行貸款條款;無理由懷疑其全額及時償還本息的能力。

關注. . . . . . . . . 借款人當前能夠償還其貸款,但是還款可能受到特定因素的不利影響。

次級. . . . . . . . . 借款人的還款能力出現問題,不能完全依靠其正常經營收入償還本息。即使執行抵押或擔保,損失仍可能發生。

可疑. . . . . . . . . 借款人不能足額償還本息,即使執行抵押或擔保也肯定要發生較大損失。

損失. . . . . . . . . 即使採取所有可能的措施和用盡所有法律補救方法,仍不能償還本息,或只能償還甚少部分。

  根據人民銀行的準備計提指引,中國的銀行須以審慎及時原則根據對損失可能性的合理預測作出準備。根據貸款分類指引,劃分為次級、可疑和損失類的貸款均被視為不良貸款。減值損失準備包括一般準備、專項準備和特種準備。銀行應按季計提減值損失準備,一般準備於任何年度12 月31日的餘額應不低於年末貸款餘額的1%。銀行可參照以下比例計提專項準備:對於次級類貸款,計提比例為25%;對於可疑類貸款,計提比例為50%;對於損失類貸款,計提比例為100%。其中,就次級和可疑類貸款而言,銀行可根據本身對相關貸款的風險評估,酌情調整減值損失專項準備的計提比例,幅度為指引水平以下20% 至指引水平以上20% 。商業銀行可以每季根據特別風險因素(包括與若干行業及國家有關的風險)、一般損失率及過往經驗作出特別準備。

星期日, 10月 02, 2005

Patching the basket

Sep 29th 2005 HONG KONG
The Economist
China takes another tiny step towards a flexible currency

SO NEW, and already there's a hole. Two months after abandoning the yuan's peg to the dollar for a link to a basket of several currencies, China has been forced to weave part of the basket again. On September 23rd, the People's Bank of China said that the yuan would be allowed to fluctuate by 3% a day against the euro, yen and other non-dollar currencies, compared with 1.5% previously. Daily movements against the dollar, meanwhile, remain limited to only 0.3%.
The reason for the change seems wholly practical. Under its old exchange-rate system, China controlled the yuan's value against the dollar, but allowed a fair bit of movement against other currencies. When it moved to a basket on July 21st—revaluing the yuan by 2.1% in the process—the corollary was tighter limits on daily fluctuations against currencies other than the dollar. But maintaining these has proved cumbersome.

Suppose that the euro jumps by 2% against the dollar in a day—a big move, but not unheard of. The European currency should then rise against the yuan as well. But it would not be possible to accommodate the full change within the 1.5% and 0.3% trading bands—unless the Chinese central bank could somehow nudge the dollar back up against the euro. Indeed, there have been rumours that over the past few weeks the monetary authorities have been using their copious foreign-exchange reserves to intervene in precisely this fashion.

Allowing non-dollar currencies to fluctuate by 3% gives the Chinese authorities a little more leeway, lessening the need for expensive intervention. It should also cut potential trading losses at designated foreign-exchange banks, because they can now hedge more effectively. It will also reduce currency speculation, if the wider bands are harder to put under pressure.
The timing of the change was also expeditious. Coming just before the meetings of the IMF, the World Bank and the G8 in Washington, DC, it allowed China to deflect charges that it is still frustrating a meaningful appreciation of the yuan. Since the peg was abandoned, the Chinese currency has risen by a mere 0.2% against the dollar (see chart).

True to form, the day the Washington meetings closed, on September 25th, the central bank made a further declaration: that it had no intention of changing the yuan's trading range against the dollar, in which 80% of China's foreign trade is settled. The tweaking of the currency basket so soon after its creation shows that market forces are having some impact on the yuan. Even so, it will be a long time before China has a truly flexible currency.

星期六, 9月 10, 2005

大家覺得covered warrant是否有問題?


星期四, 9月 01, 2005